5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working Full-Time

Jumping into the working world after college can be an incredibly stressful time. You are learning to balance work responsibilities, new living situations and lifestyle changes. It can be hard to make healthy diet and exercise choices while working full-time, but it is critical that you take good care of yourself in order to perform well. Included here are a few tips for staying healthy while working full-time.

Pack a Lunch

Often the “fastest and cheapest” lunch options prove to be anything but. Adding up the additional healthcare costs from eating poorly, not to mention the daily cost of buying lunch and you are quickly in the hole. The first step to maintaining good health while working is to pack a nutritious lunch everyday. Options to make this route easier include packing your lunch in advance the night before, or making large batches of food on Sunday to allow for leftovers everyday of the week.

Stand Up

Shockingly, some studies have shown that sitting all day is one of the biggest contributing factors to poor health. Even if you are exercising outside of work, prolonged periods of being sedentary greatly increase your likelihood of your health deteriorating. People who sit for more than 8 hours a day have a 90 percent higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes than those who stand. Consider getting a standing desk to allow you to work on your feet for at least a portion of the day.

Keep Your Gym Bag in Your Car

By making sure your workout clothes and gear are at the ready, you are far more likely to head straight to the gym after work. If you are instead attempting to go home and change before hitting the gym you will likely get comfortable, or feel too tired to attempt a workout. Making a daily trip to the gym immediately after work is the key to developing a schedule that includes physical fitness.

Talk a Walk

Everyone is aware that a bit of moving around will help increase your circulation and overall health. Consider breaking up your workday with quick 5-7 minute walks to help encourage blood flow and decrease stress. If you wear a fitbit you are likely to feel more encouraged about your daily exercise as your watch those step tallies accumulate.

Schedule Your Health

If you leave all physical activity to days when you “have time” you are highly unlikely to get any fitness activities in. Schedule time on Sunday to pack your week’s lunches, and plan to stand at your desk for a couple of hours each day. Work in an afternoon walk and maybe a morning and afternoon one as well. Create a pattern in your daily life that encourages activity and good health and you will benefit in the long-term from it.