Aging and Medications: Tips for Buying, Taking and Talking About Your Needs

Growing older comes with its own unique set of challenges. It is also an important time to know about your medical needs. During this time, you’ll be faced with different health conditions that may need to be treated on an everyday basis. It is important to know what medicines you have to take, and what potential changes you may go through with the different medical reactions from various drugs.

Stay Informed on Your Condition and Your Medications, Too

The more you learn about your specific condition, the better you can use your medicine responsibly. It will also help you talk to your medical professional about your health. It is easier to avoid future problems when different medical care and medicinal needs arise when you stay informed.

The older you get, the more your body changes how you absorb medicine and are affected by it. For example, just being a different body weight can influence how much medicine you must take in order for it to be effective for whatever condition you may have.

One of the primary functions of the liver and kidneys is used to funnel medicine through your bloodstream and body. As you get older, there are different problems that may arise if the various medicines you must take react with one another. It is important to understand how your medicines may mix and affect your health.

Being able to talk to your health care professional about your medicines and problems you may face is the first step. You need to keep the conversation going with your team of health care providers and helpers, which can be your doctor, nurse or other physicians taking care of you, as well as any caretakers you may have.

You Have Options for Getting Help with Medical Expenses

If you’ve ever been worried about paying for your healthcare needs, there is now no need to worry, thanks to the many health coverage programs available to you. The pharmacy should be a place where you know you’ll be fine when you pick up your health items and medications, like antibiotics and other things. That’s why there are services out there that understand your needs, especially if you don’t have adequate health insurance to cover your expenses

For example, online at, the mission is to assist patients with finding financial solutions for affording your health care needs, so you don’t have to go through the hopelessness of not having medicine, just because you can’t afford it.

This is a great way to stay on top of your medications. The small fees will outweigh any missed payments or potential problems that may occur with insurance. It’s also a way for you to feel financially safe when you go to the pharmacy to purchase whatever you need.

Define Your Needs

After getting a dialogue going with your medical health professional team, start to describe what is working for you and what isn’t. Sometimes a whole long list of pills just isn’t going to cut it. There are times that some pills may no longer be working for you or there isn’t a need for them. When this happens, it is important for you to be able to voice that concern.

Your doctors are there to help you, but they can’t do anything, if they don’t know what’s really going on with you. It is helpful for them to have a list that details any concerns or comments you may have on your current round of treatment. There are a variety of ways to treat a certain condition, so it helps to talk about what you may be worried about.

It’s often the case that you may have different healthcare professionals looking at you from a variety of facilities. If that is the case, you should let your doctors know all the medicines that you are taking. These include over the counter medicines and supplements, because there can be reactions with other medications you take.

Your Medical History and Beyond

Your medical history is important. Be sure to note any allergies, past surgeries or medical conditions, so your records are fully up to date. There are a lot of things regarding past and present medical conditions that will affect how other doctors approach your treatment plan. Be sure to talk about your diet and exercise routine, as well. Your doctors should know if you’re going to any specialist doctors, as well.

Along with your doctors being knowledgeable, you should be, as well. It helps to remember what types of medicine treat which conditions, and when you should take them. It is a good practice to keep a medicine box and a calendar to keep a tally. Overall, your health is your greatest concern, and it comes down to clear and constant communication. Be certain to talk about your needs and medical history, and stay up to date on your health.

About Georgina Walton

Georgina Walton is the main carer for her 90-year-old Mom. She writes about eldercare and the day-to-day needs, concerns and worries being a carer involves.